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How to Quiet Self-Doubt and Build a Business You Believe In

Can we have an honest talk?:

The loudest doubts about starting a business often come from the one person you can’t escape…


Sure, your colleagues, friends, and family might raise their eyebrows and question your choices. But let’s not kid ourselves: they’re often just echoing the questions that are already swirling in your mind.

Self-doubt is the wall standing between you and the life you want to build. 

So let’s start thereβ€”because once you tackle your own doubts, the opinions of other people become a lot easier to handle.

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Kimberly Brown Kimberly Brown

The Unique Challenges Doctors Face When Starting a Business

Let’s face it: nobody goes to medical school dreaming of spending their life chained to a hospital schedule, drowning in paperwork, or clocking in extra shifts just to make ends meet. But when you start dreaming about leaving clinical medicine and launching your own business, reality hitsβ€”hard.

Starting a business as a doctor is no walk in the park. It’s a different world, full of challenges that can feel overwhelming. But here’s the good news: you already have what it takes to thrive.

What’s holding you back? It’s likely those challenges that are unique to physicians trying to break into the entrepreneurial world. Let’s break them downβ€”and talk about how to crush them.

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Kimberly Brown Kimberly Brown

3 Lies You're Believing About High Blood Pressure

Complications of untreated high blood pressure are one of the most common reasons why people walk through the doors of the emergency room. So many people believe so many false things about high blood pressure and what it does to the body.

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