From Side Hustla to CEO

Build a profitable coaching or consulting business and make your first (or next) 4-5 figures in 90 days or less.

"From Side Hustla to CEO" is the premiere hybrid business coaching program designed for docs that are burned-out and ready to pivot out to earning the BIG non-clinical bag as a coach or consultant.

Is this You?

  • You are a doctor (physician, dentist, podiatrist, pharmacist, veterinarian, optometrist, physical therapist, etc)

  • You identify as a woman, person of color, queer person, or belong to another historically excluded community.

  • You currently FREElance (i.e. give away your expertise for FREE), run a small business, or have a side-hustle that you’d like to grow into a main hustle.

  • You’re excellent at your clinical work, but you’re frustrated with medicine and/or wondering “what’s next?” 

  • You are resourceful and creative.  When there’s something that you need, you find a way to get it. You do not say, “I can’t.” You say, “I can. I’m not sure how exactly, I don’t have all the details figured out yet, but I know it is possible.”

  • You want a program that delivers quick wins, momentum, and cash in the door—STAT.

  • You want to run a legitimate, profitable business that you can pass down—this isn’t a curbside consult.

  • You want to feel like a true CEO who knows how to make bank, not a hustla who’s barely getting by.

  • You recognize that something (or several things) is holding you back from earning more money outside of your clinical work. You’re ready to confront those blocks and clear them out of the way.

  • You succeed when you have the following things in place: structure, deadlines, a coach, and specific projects to complete. When left to your own devices, you tend to stall, but in a structured setting with accountability, you get things done.

  • You’re ready to leave hustling behind. You want to next-level your income, mindset, confidence, boundaries, and how you conduct yourself in the world.

Why From Side Hustla to CEO? Why Now?

Because 'Enough' isn’t Enough Anymore.

I see you. 

Every additional shift at the hospital that drops unannounced into your lap is a stark reminder that you’re not in control of your time or your life.

It's another evening less with your loved ones.

One more day your dreams get pushed back. 

It’s exhausting. It’s draining. It’s soul-crushing. And it’s far from the reason you got into medicine.

You didn't sign up to be at the mercy of schedulers or to have your well-being sidelined by the demands of a system that sees numbers before people. 

You signed up to make a difference, to heal, and to innovate within healthcare. But right now, it feels like you’re just another cog in the machine.

No More Degrees, No More Debt, Just Real, Tangible Change.

Let’s be real—going back to school isn’t the solution. More degrees won’t solve the burnout or give you the freedom you crave. What you need isn’t another certificate on the wall; what you need is a new path that respects your knowledge, channels your passion, and returns your control.

"From Side Hustla to CEO" is that path.

This isn’t about slowly shifting gears; it’s about rapidly reinventing your career trajectory. This program is designed for doctors like you who are ready to leap—not just step—into a life where you call the shots. Where your business enhances your life, not consumes it.

Transform on Your Terms.

In just six months—not years—you can pivot from an overwhelmed, overworked doctor to a thriving CEO of your own making. You can build a business that lets you:

Utilize your medical expertise in innovative ways that excite you.

Set your schedule that aligns with how you want to live, not how you are told to work.

Create and grow a business without stepping back into a classroom.

Immediate Impact, Not Just a Promise.

With "From Side Hustla to CEO," you start seeing changes from day one. Our structured yet flexible approach puts you in direct control, providing the tools, strategies, and support you need to start building your business immediately. No more waiting for the next semester or the next degree—your transformation begins the moment you say yes.

Why Now? Because Tomorrow’s Too Late.

Every day you wait is another day you spend at the mercy of someone else’s schedule. It’s another day your dreams are deferred. Don’t let the system keep you from the life you deserve.

Join us now. It’s time to take back your time, reignite your passion, and reshape your world. Let "From Side Hustla to CEO" be your launchpad.

Imagine if...

You used your life experiences, expertise, and hard-earned skills to create wealth without wearing a white coat.

  • Burnout was no longer part of your vocabulary because you’ve designed a business that energizes and excites you rather than sucks your soul.

  • You could say goodbye to picking up additional shifts and hello to flexibility over your schedule and finances.

  • You created a business that transforms you AND the clients that choose to serve.

  • You learn the business skills they NEVER taught in med school or residency, such as marketing, sales, money management, and business strategy.

Before "From Side Hustla to CEO"

Stuck in the grind. Overworked and underappreciated. Exhausted from the demands of clinical duties. Dreams on hold, potential untapped, and constantly feeling like you’re just surviving, not thriving. Money slipping through your fingers because you don't have the bandwidth to grab it.

After "From Side Hustla to CEO"

Revolutionized. Re-energized. Profitably running your own businesss. You're not just working; you're leading and succeeding on your terms. Full of momentum, oozing prosperity, and using all of your talents, gifts and potential. When you walk into work, everyone asks “What’s your secret? How did you do it?”

Current Client Case Studies

Meet Your Coach

Creator of From Side Hustla to CEO

Kimberly Brown

Founder and CEO of 541 Creative Group and Sherwood Properties

The biggest lie I’ve ever been told as a physician was, “You’ll NEVER make as much money as you will walking into a clinical shift.” 

So what happens when the job you dreamed of since you were a child, that you spent 12+ years for, the same one that requires you to walk into a clinical shift…

sucks your soul and burns you out?

I wasn’t sure, but I tried a lot of ish…

  • Self-publishing books on Amazon,

  • Media appearances,

  • Brand ambassadorship,

  • Social media influencing,

  • Medical writing,

  • Telemedicine

It seemed like my mentor’s words were a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Nothing was making me money.

That’s until I faced burnout 2 years out of residency.

After working 5 months straight of overnights in rural hospitals in the deep south in the middle of a global pandemic, with no control over my schedule, driving for hours at a time with little sleep in between shifts, chained to my laptop and phone doing telemedicine consults when I wasn’t in the ED and wearing an armor of an N95 and face shield, I’d had enough.

After my 4th overnight shift, I climbed into my 2-star hotel bed and couldn’t stop sobbing.

Laying there, I imagined a relaxing place where I could provide the space and resources for other locums doctors to heal and restore themselves after healing everyone else.

So, I created it.

A few months later, I founded Sherwood Properties, Memphis’ premiere midterm rental company for traveling medical and business professionals, I grew my business from $0 to $100K+.

As Sherwood Properties grew, I noticed that my burnout shrunk. I regained my sense of control and felt free again. I was earning I was making $4K, $6K, even $12K per month. That made it hella easy to decline to pick up extra shifts and ignore recruiter texts. 

I completely dropped the soul-sucking telemedicine shifts that chained me to my laptop and felt alive again.

I learned that creating a business based on my strengths and lived experience is the fastest way to make clinical medicine optional.

From Side Hustla to CEO is the blueprint for your emergency exit out of medicine.  

I can’t wait to see the impact you’ll create in this world.

Program Overview

Go from burnout to the bag in From Side Hustla to CEO in 6 months. Here’s how:

Phase 1: Ignite: For Doctors Who Are Ready to Burn the Hospital Down

Go from idea to paid client in 90 days or less.

Shift your identity to a CEO, build your coaching or consulting business from the ground up, announce your business, and sell your services to your first paying client.

  • Develop Your F.I.R.E Offer: You’ll create your $5K+ coaching or consulting offer that leverages your background, expertise, story and experiences into a profitable, sustainable business.

  • Market Launch Plan Completion: Simple yet effective plan for announcing your offer to your audience, equipped with targeted organic and digital marketing strategies to ensure a successful rollout.

  • First Sales Success: Learn how to sell your offer with confidence, clarity and ease to your first client. 

Phase 2: Burn: Operate and Accelerate Your Biz

You’re not just running a business; you’re leading a movement. You’re not just earning; you’re expanding in every way imaginable. This is where your journey accelerates, and you start living the CEO life you were meant for.

  • Serve Like a Pro: Deliver your services in a way that not only meets but exceeds your clients' expectations. Creating results that have clients coming back for more and referring friends.

  • Sell with Swagger: Client #2, #3….#100?  They’re right around the corner, waiting for you to grab their attention. We continue to refine your sales and marketing strategy to find your next aligned clients, while your serving your first. 

  • Consistent Marketing Magic: From social media savviness to email marketing that converts, you’ll build a presence that’s impossible to ignore. Convert leads into clients.

What others are saying about

From Side Hustla to CEO

Before [From Side Hustla to CEO], I was just kind of winging it. I had a business and I didn't know how to develop it to make it long-term and tangible.

On our first call, Coach B gave me realistic, tangible advice to grow my business to put myself out there by sharing my business. In 24 hours following that advice, I saw at least 200 people migrating to my site. 

Alexandra-Elise Patterson, MD

ShEO and Founder of Power Play Cosmetics

“[From Side Hustla to CEO] helped me to talk and think through things by critical questions that you ask and some questions I don’t ask myself. Having [a coach] is a really helpful thing.”

Dmitri King, MD 

Family Medicine Physician

Founder and CEO of Pr0j3ct 180

Here’s What You Get…

  • Twice-Monthly Coaching: Every two weeks, you’ll have a one-on-one session to guide you from from clinical practice to the CEO of your profitable business. We get into the nitty-gritty of your both your brain and business, refining your offer to ensure you see quick results.

  • Review and Evaluate: We zoom in on your marketing, sales, and delivery strategies and give you pointed feedback that transforms your approach, ensuring your consulting or coaching resonates, transforms and SELLS.

  • Mastermind Community: You’ll be welcomed into the exclusive WhatsApp group—a dynamic community of doctor entrepreneurs just like you. Here, you’ll mastermind, exchange ideas, get extra coaching, and celebrate every win on your path to greatness.

  • Resource Goldmine: Gain VIP access to a vault of business-building gold—templates, worksheets, and systems that have been the backbone of my success and will be yours too. These resources are designed to propel you to your first 4 or 5-figure months within 90 days or less.

The Investment

Monthly Installment


6 Months



5 Questions to Decide if From Side Hustla to CEO is for You

Doctors make the best CEOs because we are MDs…we make decisions quickly and confidently. Decide if From Side Hustla to CEO is right for you:

  1. Are you burned out from your clinical practice and want to supplement and eventually replace your clinical income? YES NO

  2. Would you like to work one one-on-one with a business coach who will meet with you twice a month to ensure that you’re taking the right steps at the right time and achieving your goals? YES NO

  3. Would you like an accelerated experience that delivers rapid results? YES NO

  4.  Would you like to make an investment you can earn back? YES NO

  5. Do you identify as a woman, person of color, queer person, or you’re from another marginalized group, and you want to surround yourself with other doctors who look like you—diverse doctor entrepreneurs who are thriving? YES NO

If you answer Yes to all (or most) of those questions, then, this decision is simple:

From Side Hustla to CEO is for you!

FAQs (i.e. what you REALLY wanna know)

  • Great news: You don’t have to! Life is so much better when we have OPTIONS and not OBLIGATIONS. Supplement your clinical income, learn refine your skills, it’s your choice.

  • Our program is designed for the busy doctor. With flexible scheduling and intensive support, you’ll find the balance you crave.

  • Expect to build and launch a profitable coaching or consulting business using your current skills, experience and expertise. Learn how to get your clients results. and learn the skills and mindset that you need to sell your coaching and consulting with confidence and earn your first (or next) 4-5 figures as a coach or a consultant.

  • Yes, it's tailored for doctors, meaning physicians, pharmacists, dentists, vetinarians, optometrists, physical therapists and or occupational therapists.

  • The program is designed to be flexible and you should expect to dedicate at least 5 hours/week to your business.

  • Not a problem. During the Prep Werk phase, we’ll create an extra 5 (or more) in your schedule to build your biz.

  • You're not here to play small or wait long. "From Side Hustla to CEO" cuts right to the chase. This isn’t a year-long “school”. This is about rapid transformation, We're changing lives, communities, and legacies. Our approach is intensive, personalized, and deeply supportive, ensuring that you don't just learn, but you also apply, succeed, and lead FAST.

    What sets "From Side Hustla to CEO" apart is not just the deep dive into entrepreneurship—it's the personalized, hybrid coaching structure we’ve perfected. This isn’t your standard, off-the-shelf coaching program. We blend the best of both worlds: intensive one-on-one coaching with the dynamic support of a vibrant community.

  • Nope, you don’t need any prior business experience to start your journey with "From Side Hustla to CEO." This program is designed for doctors new to or seasoned in business. You bring your drive and desire, and we’ll equip you with everything else. You’re not expected to know everything from the start—that’s what we’re here for. ;)

  • No worries! That’s a brilliant place to start. Why? Because it means you’re open, you’re curious, and you’re not boxed into any corners. In "From Side Hustla to CEO," you’ll turn that curiosity into your superpower.

    You don’t just pick a random niche for you. We’ll go deep into your unique strengths, skills and passions that you bring from your personal and professional life and transform them into profit.